Art, Creativity, Nature and Spirit

Artist's Statement

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Artist's Statement
Our human ancestry is deeply rooted in the ever ancient, ever new, natural world. However, for many of us, experiences such as watching a sunset, or gazing at the beauty of a wild flower are the exception in our lives rather than common occurrence. These special times refresh us, but often feel like ancient echoes of a past we can’t quite remember.


As an artist who enjoys natural materials, my work explores these “rememberings”. It reflects the interconnectedness of human awareness with the mystery and magic of nature. All of my work, but masks in particular, lend themselves easily to this exploration. Although we often think of masks as a means of concealment, I have found that they often reveal more than they hide. They can “unmask” deeper understandings of our selves and our connectedness to the natural world. This relationship is often forgotten or ignored in the ordinariness of every day.  With awareness, simple twigs and grasses can be seen for the first time, or in a new way.


My hope is that these works will arouse and awaken a part of the viewer that is beyond intellect…a deeper, more ancient memory rooted in intuitive awareness and our common ancestry with Earth


Born near Fond du Lac, I grew up with 160 acres of rolling hills and woodland for a backyard playground. In the many hours spent there as a child, I learned to be at home with nature and to communicate with its creatures as loved and respected friends. The sense of magic I felt in the woods as a child continues to seek expression in my art today. It beckons me to remember that world of creative imagination. In that remembering, my art and I continue to be reborn.


Although some of the masks are made in other ways, the majority are first created in clay. Papier mache is then layered over the clay.  When dry, the papier mache shell is removed and cpmpleted with layers of sand and natural materials.


While currently teaching expressive and therapeutic arts at Marian University in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, I also work with individuals and/or groups in the discovery and exploration of creative process. For me, the ultimate creative expression involves the integration of art, creativity, earth wisdom, human potential and spirituality.